Sermon: For I Have Called You Friends

Delivered at Christ Episcopal Church, Bluefield, WV on Easter VI, May 10, 2015.

Reflections on the calling of Jesus to his original disciples and (by inheritance) to us to be both his friend and friends with one another.  This is a bigger challenge than it might at first appear, especially as one realizes that taking on this role requires us to give the Holy Spirit free (or at least freer) reign in our lives.  For Episcopalians whose motto might be “all things decently and in good order,” this is not necessarily easy, but it is incredibly worthwhile.

Consider this in preparation for Pentecost.

05102015 Christ Church Bluefield losamp


Published by

Kent Higgins

Fr. Kent is an Episcopal Priest in the Diocese of West Virginia. He functions primarily as a supply priest, but also serves as Dean of the Kanawha Deanery. He was ordained deacon December 16, 2006 and priest June 16, 2007. He is married and the father of two grown sons. Fr. Kent retired from his "day job" in August, 2014.